Invasion (ecological process)

Invasion - one of the basic ecological processes that involves occupying a given territory by species occupied so far by representatives of other species. It usually occurs when a new species appears in a given ecosystem, eg without natural enemies (invasive species). At this point, it may contribute to the displacement of native species occupying a similar ecological niche. In this situation, the invasion becomes a succession. The invasion process (invasion-succession) in the sociology of the city

In sociology of the city, this concept, together with the concepts of segregation, centralization, concentration and succession, was introduced from the ecology of the Chicago school. Invasion means, in relation to urban space, entry into a given area of ​​a foreign city relative to people living in social groups or types of people. Ethnic minorities, causing initially hostile behavior towards invasive groups. As the number of people in the invasive group begins to grow, it may be possible to mass out the incumbents to other urban areas. This concept is combined with succession as a process of invasion-succession. Invasion does not have to lead to succession, and may end up integrating into the inhabited space. This process can affect not only the population but also the type of activity in the city.



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