The OEB working group is working on specifying a specification that would define copyright protection in digital rights management electronic documents, which is crucial if the Open eBook format is to serve as a tool for disseminating electronic publications. The successor to this archaic format is now the ePub.
Association of Jewish handicrafts "Jad Charuzim"
The Jewish Handgun Association "Jad Charuzim" - a Jewish craft organization, operating in Galicia since 1875. She was the founder of many synagogues (eg Yad Charuzim Synagogue in Sanok, Jad Charuzim Synagogue in Yaroslav, Zasany Synagogue in Przemysl), burs, self-help and charity activities, libraries, readings and readings. In 1927, in order to enable its members to use small loans, the association established its own credit cooperative "Cooperative Bank of Cooperatives". The Association's activities ceased during World War II. wiki
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