Solid disc

Solid disc

Fixed disc (fixed block) is a disk fixed to a fixed surface through which a wire is intertwined, which, in principle, does not slip on the disk, but rotates it. The constant wheel only allows you to change the direction of the force without changing its value. Fixed disc as a straight machine

Ideally (insulated) systems assume that the disk is weightless, the cord is weak and perfectly elastic and inextensible, and there is no resistance to the motion of the disc and the whole system is a flat system of forces.

Then, the dependency describing the operation of the constant pulse: P = Q {\displaystyle P=Q}

where P - moving force, Q - useful force. Solid disc in real circuits

In real systems there are dynamic phenomena associated with inertia of the system and mechanical losses associated with motion resistance. In our case, we assume that the motion in the system is a fixed motion.

Then the equation is satisfied at a specified efficiency of the disc P = Q & # x03B7; {\displaystyle P={\frac {Q}{\eta }}\;}



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