A magazine, first published as a biweekly magazine, later published as a weekly, was published in Warsaw by the Center for Documentation and Social Studies in 1981-1995, with a break from 1984-1986. The script was connected with the Polish Christian-democratic movement. In its columns, it mainly featured political and cultural themes, and with each issue featured topical media devoted to the media, faith, family and history, and more importantly, Pope John Paul II's republics were also printed.
Since 1991 the editor-in-chief of the magazine has been Maciej Łętowski. In addition, the editorial team included Ryszard Bender, Jan Ruman and Marcin Masny. The permanent collaborators included Marcin Gugulski, Jan Jarco, Jacek Maziarski, Jerzy Narbutt, Jerzy Robert Nowak and Stefan Niesiolowski. Also on the pages of Ladu.
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