John Byra

Jan Byra (born May 27, 1958 in Jozefow) is a Polish politician, Member of the Sejm II, III and IV term, journalist. Curriculum vitae

He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Since 1977, he was a member of the Polish United Workers' Party. head of the propaganda department of the PZPR Regional Committee in Zamość. He briefly worked as a journalist in "Kurier Lubelskie", later moved to "Tygodnik Zamojski".

In the Third Republic, he joined the Social Democratic Republic of Poland, where from 1990 to 1991 he was vice-president of the voivodship council. In 1993, 1997 and 2001, the Democratic Left Alliance obtained a deputy mandate (in 1993 and 1997 as a member of the SdRP in the Zamość Region, in 2001 as a member of the SLD in the Chełm Region). In March 2004 together with Marek Borowski was among the co-founders of the Polish Social Democracy. In the 4th Session of the Sejm, he sat in the Committee on Culture and Media (as Vice-President) and in the Committee on Communication with Poles Abroad.

In 2005 and 2007 he successfully failed to stand for the Sejm. He returned to work in the editorial office of "Tygodnik Zamojskiego". Bibliography



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