LINPACK - a software library written in Fortran in the 1970s for numerical problem solving of linear algebra. Its authors are Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler and Pete Stewart. Its successor is the LAPACK library, better adapted to the architecture of modern computers. LINPACK uses a set of BLAS libraries to perform basic operations on vectors and arrays. One of the most time consuming subroutines of the BLAS library that LINPACK uses is SAXPY. In principle, this is a vector multiplication operation by scalar and adding to another vector. Such operations can be performed especially fast by vector processors in massively parallelized computers.

The most important problems that LINPACK solves are linear equations and linear least squares. The package is adapted for various special types of circuits with general types, strata, symmetric, undefined, symmetrically positive, triangular. However, methods for rare general arrays have not been implemented. In addition, the package calculates the QR and SVD distribution for rectangular arrays and applies them to the least squares problem. LINPACK is based on column-oriented algorithms.

Benchmark LINPACK, introduced by Dongarra, is a benchmark based on the LINPACK library. It measures the speed of solving a dense array of linear equations as an abstraction of standard problems encountered in engineering and scientific problems. This benchmark is used to compare the speed of computers, expressed in the number of floating point operations per second (FLOPS). It is the basis of the supercomputer ranking TOP500 - list of the fastest supercomputers in the world.



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