
Merchandising - the marketing activity, the essence of which is the use of trademarks, characters, representations, images and symbols associated with one product audience - usually a TV series or a movie - to improve the effects of selling another product addressed to a wide range of consumers. offered in principle in retail. The characters and symbols used in films for children and adolescents are most often used, but also characters, images, props and symbols related to adult television productions such as soap operas, TV shows, shows, sports shows, etc ...

In Central and Eastern Europe, merchandising is often associated as a way of presenting goods at points of sale, the art of increasing the efficiency of mass merchandising and mass-market by using store topography and elementary principles of social psychology, Build customer associations and use a variety of marketing tactics.

Merchandising in this second sense is the way to influence the behavior of customers through the decor of the room and the way of presenting the goods in order to increase the sales, the interest of the consumers, and even increase the subjective value of the goods in the eyes of the customer.

Intermediate goals define acronym AIDA, from the English words: Attention - Interest - Desire - Action, to: attract the attention of the client - arouse his interest - and desire, the need to have - and initiate action, that is, purchase. Merchandising works by informing in an attractive, understandable and persuasive manner about the existence and location of the shop, offered by the assortment of goods, novelties, goods of special interest, the placement of stands.

The information is different for people:

Situation example: From the street the customer lures the exhibition. In order not to become part of the background, it often changes its decor, making it attractive. Inside the pleasant atmosphere created by the arrangement of the exhibition, the color, the lighting, the soundtrack, the friendly and helpful staff and the ... traps. Discretely dictated direction of traffic, goods needing as far as possible from the entrance - it causes the need to go alongside many stands. Items that are easily accessible, those intended for quick rotation - placed at the eye level, and at the cash register - trinkets and sweets - may wait while waiting in the queue or want to bored child ... To this loyalty shares: discount coupons, lotteries, Small gifts for regular customers.

Similar merchandising techniques are used by large retail chains as well as sales outlets offering goods to very few customers.



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