Brotherhood of Former Soldiers 1 Ukrainian Division of UNA (Canada)

The Brotherhood of Former Soldiers of the First Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army - an association of former members of the 14th Grenadier Division SS formed in Neu-Ulm (Germany) in 1949. The headquarters of the Brotherhood is Canadian Toronto.

The first seat of the association was Munich, then from 1959 New York, from the mid-1960s the Toronto community was established.

There are several branches in Germany, Canada, USA, Argentina and Australia. In the United Kingdom, former members of the division formed a separatist organization known as the Former Ukrainian Combatants in the United Kingdom. In 1950 the Society had 1000 members, in 1980 - 1400 members. Currently the organization is subsidized, among others. with funds coming from the gifts coming from the World Congress of Ukrainians.

The next chairmen of the fraternity were: M. Levenets (1949-1955), Ljubomyr Orinsky (1955-1961), M. Bihus (1961-1962), Ivan Skira (1963-1964) Roman Drazniovsky M. Małećkij (1964-1973, 1979-2001). Since 2001 the president is A. Komorovsky. Michajlo Romaniuk is the head of the Canadian department

Since its inception, Magazine publications:

In 1992, an independent organization was established in Lviv. Galician Brotherhood of Former Hałczyna Soldiers.



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