Filter camps in Chechnya

Filter camps in Chechnya - officially used in camps in Chechnya, where potential Russian militants are caught by Russian soldiers. Filter camps were set up on December 12, 1994, during the First Chechen War, by the Russian Ministry of the Interior as "field arrests". They are located near large cities. They would be secretly kept by the Russian authorities. Officially, Russia admits to creating several such camps, but there are probably many more. People who survived the camps say they resemble concentration camps rather than custody, because of the conditions and the high percentage of people losing their lives (there is no accurate data, it is said to lose up to 80 lives. % of "arrested". In 2001 there were 20,000 Chechens in the filter camps.

The following torture camps were used in the filter camps: physical:

Famous Filter Camps Bibliography



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