Habits and addictions related to the quantity of goods

Habits and Arrangements for Quantity of Goods:

The quantity of goods is one of the basic elements of the contract. It is expressed in various measures of weight and volume, as well as in spatial measurements and plays. Traders use metric and Anglo-Saxon systems.

In commodity trade contracts, the quantity of goods is determined only approximately. Even with a strict determination of the quantity of goods, surplus or deficient supply is anticipated.

Acceptable quantitative variations are determined by the words "about" or "circa" (about). The meaning of this term is defined in the contract if other customs or trade supplements do not specify this in a generally accepted way. In the case of trade in machines, appliances and consumables, no quantitative deviation is provided unless provided for in the contract.

Certain customs are used in trade for some types of price reductions, in particular a rebate (ref.). The Seller grants discounts for quantitative differences in non-compensated goods in kind, due to deficiencies and qualitative deviations exceeding acceptable standards, and due to changes in the condition of goods and natural losses. Bonuses granted for natural or altered goods: Bibliography



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