Operation 95

Operation S 95 - the last military operation undertaken by the Bosnian Army during the war in Bosnia. It was launched in X 1995 with a series of counterinsurges by Bosnian Muslims and by Croatian forces led by the Storm Operations.

The security zone around Bihac was an area in northwestern Bosnia. In 1992, after the outbreak of war in Bosnia, Bihac, in which the 5th Corps of Bosnia and Herzegovina was stationed, was surrounded and besieged by Serbian troops. In mid-1995, Bosnian Serb and Serbian forces joined Fikret Abdic (Bosniak) with his army, which launched an offensive to capture the area of ​​the city of Bihá. The Serbian offensive was unsuccessful, but the security zone was still threatened by the Serb separatists. As a result of pressure from international public opinion, which did not want to repeat the massacre in Srebrenica, the "green light" of the Croatian Army and the 5th Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina were given.

The operation of the Sana 95 was completed by the Storm Operation, whereby the security zone around the city of Bihua became a non-threatened place on the part of the Serbs. It also enabled the Bosnian troops to move freely from the eastern part of the Sana River.



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