Black Sabbath (custom)

The black saber - the old gentry habit, whose name derives from the color of the saber vagina. The dark color was a high level in the use of this weapon and showed the willingness to duel. This color probably also symbolized the ease with which to kill and inflict pain (this color was and is a symbol of death in European culture).

Black vagabonds often meant their sabers, mainly soldiers of the so-called. higher regiments (hussars or petyhorcy) and foxes, although they also often happened in the nobility, not professional soldiers. In order to emphasize their fencing skills and nobility in the black scabbard, the most common types of sabers were considered to be Polish (the leading in this category was the hussar saber, which many experts in white arms not only in Poland but also in the world considered the best cavalry white weapon that was created on the world).

This custom developed in the seventeenth century, when Sarmatian customs flourished. It collapsed with the withdrawal of the division of society in Poland in the nineteenth century and is currently not practiced.



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