Rhens electoral convention - Rhens electoral convention in 1338, where a decision was taken on the validity of the choice of the German king.

The Rhens Convention (also the Rhens Electoral Congress, Germany) was held on July 16, 1338. It was attended by representatives of six of the seven Electors of the Reich: Baldwin Luxembourg of Trier, Henry of Virneburg of Mainz, Walter von Jülich from Cologne, Rudolf II Blind and Ruprecht and Palatinate, Ludwik V Bavarian from Brandenburg March and Rudolf and Prince of Saxe-Wittenberg. The Czech king Jan Luxuski was absent.

The background of the meeting was the conflict between Emperor Ludwig Bavarian and Pope Benedict XII. The head of the church refused to recognize the emperor, which caused anti-Feying moods in the Reich and protested the electors, who were in the position that only the choice (by majority) was decided and no papal approval was needed. The electors initially met in Oberlahnstein, but the council was quickly moved to Rhens, where in the years 1273, 1308 and 1313/1314, the council of the fourteen electors met in the walnut court on the banks of the Rhine.

There, the electors on July 16, 1338 had an indefinite alliance that strengthened their position. It was announced that only the electors would choose the king of Germany and the future emperor. In this way, the participants of the meeting spoke against any papal interference in their powers and called for the defense of the rights of the Reich also in those parts thereof that would join this declaration. The descriptions made by Baldwin of Trier were of a general nature and did not mention the conflict of the Roman emperor. No mention was made of the emperor, but soon afterwards he made use of the declaration in the mandate of Licet iuris.

The provisions of the Rhens Convention were of great importance to the organization of the Reich. They introduced the principle of majority voting and appointed the college of electors. For the first time the electors did not come together to elect a king, but to discuss the problems that arose during the reign of the king. In addition, the electors demanded that they, not only the king, represent the interests of the Reich. In the conflict with Pope Louis, he made little use of the declaration, as his dependence on the electors was evident. Literature



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