Seat of Heron

Celestine Czaplic

Sejm Czaplica - Sejm of the Commonwealth, sitting in Warsaw from October 6 to November 29, 1766 under the Marshal's Cabinet, Celestyna Czaplica.

During his session there was a clash of opposing political camps. The Czartoryskis Family Reformation attempted to force the voting by majority vote on requests submitted by the Treasury Board. Nikolai Repnin, Russia's deputy, has tried to push through its policy of granting political rights to the dissidents. The opposition linked to the Cracow bishop Kajetan Sołtyk and Kamieniecki Adam Stanisław Krasiński, seeking to overthrow Stanislaw August Poniatowski and the return of the Wettynów to the Polish throne, for its part rejected the equality of the innovators, together with Repnin, but supported the solution of the confederacy, which was still established at the convent of 1764.

On October 11, the great chancellor Andrzej Zamoyski asked for a majority vote on the drafts of the Tax Commission, Repnin and Prussian Gédéon Benoît threatened the Commonwealth in the event of the adoption of such a bill. At the same time, the great Lithuanian chef Michal Wielhorski applied for free speech insurance.

In the present situation Czartoryski was forced to vote against his own projects to save some important Sejm constitutions, introducing, among others, Unlike the General Duty, the reform of the Assessor's court, etc. The Confederacy was dissolved, but opposition to Repinin failed to achieve equality of dissent.

This became the reason for the 1767 inspiration of the Russian Confederate confederations: Radom, Słucka and Toruń. Bibliography



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