Starorobocińska Polana

Starorobociańska Polana - glade in the Starorobocia Valley in the Western Tatras. It is located in the lower part of this valley, slightly above the outlet of the Iwcowa Valley. It is located on the valley bottom at an elevation of 1110-1120 m. The Starorobociański Stream is the western border of the glade.

The glade has been grazing for a long time. As Stararobot pasture is mentioned in the document of king Władysław IV Vase from 1646, giving the emoluments to the village of Wróblówka. The name of the glade is derived from the former (in Brass Bore) a metal ore mine, called Old Robot. She was in the Old Robo Hall. Nowadays the name of both logs and halls is already a historical name, as in the Starorobociańska Valley, grazing has long since ceased, and the glade is overgrown with forest. In 1955, the area was about 3 hectares, but in 2004, as a result of overgrowth, its area decreased by approximately 63%. Hiking trails - black from the Chocholowska Valley, beginning at the forester's lodge and leading the entire Starorobociańska Valley through the Starorobociańska Polana and Starorobociańska Riera until the Siwa Pass. Transit time: 2:30 h, ↓ 2 h Bibliography



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