Armenian National Committee
Armenian Nationalkommittee - Armenian National Representation in the Third Reich during the Second World War
The Committee was formed on December 15, 1942 in Berlin under the auspices of the Rosenberg-led Ostministerium. He represented the interests of Armenians collaborating with the Germans, who wanted to rebuild Armenia's independence with the aid of the Nazi armies. Headed by prof. Ardashes Abegian, Abraham Giulkandian, Harutiun Bagdasjan's secretary, and Vahan Papazian, Der Towmasjan, Karekin Ndda, Drastamat Kanajan. All of them were associated or were activists of the emigre party of Dasznak (Armenian Federation of Revolutionaries). In addition, the last 2 were former generals of the Armenian Army from the period of the Democratic Republic of Armenia (1918-1920). On February 15, 1943, an agreement was signed by the Committee with the German authorities. On the basis of its competence were cultural, educational, propaganda and publishing issues. They were in fact secondary, as the Germans intended to treat the Committee only as a facade, without real power. The Committee played a major role in the formation of the two Armenian Legions during the first half of 1942 in the General Government and occupied Ukraine. Then his activists led propaganda activities in the spirit of pro-German and anti-Communist, educational (various courses and trainings), cultural and publication, among the soldiers of Armenian origin, publishing national newspapers (eg "Armenien") and various publications, quotes, flyers, The Committee's activities continued until the end of the war in May 1945.
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