
Julius Caesar and Divico on Saone
(sometimes in Polish texts: Dywikon, born ca 130, p.n.e., died after 58 years) - leader of one of the Helvets, Tygurians, living in the Swiss Highlands. At the head of this tribe, along with Cymbras, Ambrons and Teutons at the end of the 2nd century BC. He invaded the Roman Province of Galban. In 107 p.n.e. At the Battle of Agen, the Tygurians defeated the Roman army commanded by Consul Lucius Cassius. Julius Caesar noted in his Galilean War that the Divico, who had taken part in the Battle of Agen, later led in 58 BC, after the death of Orgetoryx, the impending Relapse of the Helvetians to Aquitaine, and the Helvets on Saone and the Battle of Bibracte. At present, some historians believe that there may be two different people here.



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