Effective reflective surface

Effective reflection surface (SPO) - a parameter that shows the ability of a radar cross section (RCS) or sonar cross section (SCS). Depends on the size of the cross section of the object, the material from which the object is made or has been covered, and the shape of the object.

Objects with a larger surface of effective reflection better reflect the waves, ie they give a stronger echo. They can therefore be detected from a greater distance.

The surface problem of effective reflection is considered on two sides, in military applications is to reduce the ability of the enemy to detect objects. Special coverings and shapes of aircraft and ships are used for this purpose. The ultimate achievement of stealth technology is the reduction of the surface area of ​​the effective aircraft of 10 thousand. times, which reduces the range of detection of the aircraft 10 times.

In civilian applications, you are working on increasing this parameter for small objects such as small boats, wooden or plastic objects, buoys, small planes, allowing for better detection and avoiding collisions.

For this purpose, the so-called. Radar reflectors, consisting of three plates placed at right angles to each other (providing the best reflection of electromagnetic waves), or a series of such units assembled together. To avoid corrosion and damage, the structures are encapsulated with plastic. Thanks to the shape of the effective reflector surface of a size of 30 cm is several meters.



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