Humieńskie Mountains

Humenské vrchy - a small mountain range in eastern Slovakia.

Humiens are the westernmost part of the Wyoming range. The band has the shape of an isosceles triangle pointing to the east. It consists of two parts: the Humensk Sokol group in the north and the Krivoštianki group in the south, separated by the Jasenovski stream. In the north of Laborca ​​and Cirochy valley separate them from the Ondawskie Hills. In the west, the range extends to the section called Laborco called the Brekovskie Gorge. In the south Humieńskie Mountains border with the East-Slavic Lowland. In the east and south-east they pass into the appropriate Wyoming.

Kulminacje Gór Humieńskich to Drieňová (386 m npm), Martinovo (417 m npm), Humenska (445 m npm) and Red Rock (447 m npm) w masywie Humenskiego Sokola oraz Krivoštianka (549 m npm) m npm), Uhliská (486 m npm) i Chlm (495 m npm) w masywie Krivoštianki.

The higher parts of the Humieńskie Mountains are covered with beech forest. There are four reserves within the band: "Humenská", "Humenský Sokol", "Jasenovská bučina" and "Chlmecká skalka".



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