The Road (sztuka)


The characters of "The Road" are characters living in a barrack, serving as a shop with parts from car accidents. The owner of the store "Aksident Store-all parts availebul" is a professor - a former Sunday school teacher who improves the forgery of documents, (now due to the old age - only half-time). Others living in the shed are in one way or another related by interests to the Professor. Coton, a former driver suffering from "road phobia", goes to accident sites and collects used car parts, which are then sold for sale at "Aksident Store". Samson, the former "Motor Parks" star of the company, uses Pidgin English with his exceptional expertise. His best friend, Salubi, intends to persuade the professor to forge a professional driving license for him. The shop is also a meeting place for other characters - Chief-In-Town politicians are recruiting here to defend their political meetings; For a few grams of marijuana, he is assisted by the head of the local Tokyo Say Kid, and the police are looking after the Particulars Joe.

"The Road" is set in a scandalous social scene where forgery, smuggling or drugs are the everyday bread of heroes, and even murder is no stranger to them. Heroes participate in the life of the Christian church, while traditional culture and beliefs seem to be alien to them. In the streets of Drama and the humble belief in the woods of Say T. Kida, in the lives of heroes, there is no traditional belief in the lives of the heroes, with the use of Yoruban masquerades and dances. The traditional Yoruba culture lends itself to the streets of the village where the egungun masquerade parades.

Both the work and the lifestyle, dress and behavior of the characters are taken from European culture. Active early in the morning are faced with typical problems for the West: unemployment, job fatigue, drugs. They hope for a better future, spending hours in barren discussions. The basis of their maintenance is the sale of parts from car accidents. In the absence of a better occupation, they drive to accident sites and how hyenas clean wrecks from all useful parts and clothes to sell them later in their workshop. Road is their religion and philosophy. They repeatedly refer to it in their dialogues. Even Police Joe Particulars believe that God is the Way. Samson equates the way to the woman. The only person whose philosophy goes beyond the transport concept is the Professor, who appears to us as a faithful servant of the Word.

The art is divided into two, roughly equal parts. In the first, slowly acquainted with the heroes. From their dialogues we learn about their problems and their lifestyles. This part ends with a power struggle scene in the shop between Samson and the Professor and his assistant Murano. In the second part of the investigation conducted by Particulars Joe in connection with the killings committed at the Driver's Day are interwoven with Samson's memories and recollections. At the end of the second screen, the professor dies with a knife while accidentally shaking with Say Tokyo Kid.

At the end of the drama there is a practical, short glossary of Pidgin English phrases and a translation of some of the Yoruba phrases used in the text.



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