Unleaded soldering

Unleaded tinol, which can serve for soldering copper tubes

Lead-free soldering - soldering with lead-free alloy.

In electronics, the tin solder alloy is used most often as a solder. However, since July 1, 2006, the European Union has reduced the use of hazardous substances in electronic equipment (RoHS Directive), including lead in solders.

The introduction of technology requires changing the operating parameters of the devices or replacing them with new ones adapted to the new technology. In lead-free technology there are difficulties:

Unleaded soldering on the surface of resistors and capacitors can produce capillary balls, depending on the cause of their formation they have different sizes. The reasons for this are: hot slump, insufficient flow (lubricity), wetting or fluidization of the flux during solder melting.

The lead point for unleaded soldering is 215-220 ° C. Lead free is matt with a slightly grained surface, therefore, the detection of incorrect connections, such as the so-called. Cold solder is difficult.

The composition of the most commonly used unleaded soldering alloys:

Less than 0.1% lead is allowed.



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