Public Primary School No. 1 in Przysucha

Public Primary School Nr1 in Przysucha - one of the public schools in Przysucha. The number of students is about 400 (2007). History

The first written mention of the school in Przysucha dates back to 1811, when under the auspices of Ignacy Dembiński, owner Przysuchy, elementary school was established. Almost every year its seat was changed due to the lack of its own school building. The outbreak of the First World War has hampered educational activity. It was taken in 1918, when Jadwiga Ineman opened a one-class school in the middle of the house and later A. Żurowski. It had four divisions and about a hundred students, and two teachers had classes.

With each passing year, the number of students and teachers increased. More buildings were erected to accommodate children (1925-1926 - 396 students, 1932-1933 - more than 700 students), despite the fact that the school was in critical condition due to housing conditions. On July 5, 1932, the foundation stone was laid for the construction of a new school. On August 20, 1934, a new school year began in a new building (in place of today's headquarters of PSP No. 1). The rapid pace of construction was due to the mobilization of the efforts of all the inhabitants of the city. There were street fights, lotteries, theater shows. The number of students was still growing and some of them continued to study in hired rooms.

In 1935, further extension of the school was approved in Przysucha. The entire interwar period has expired under the sign of construction. Selling stickers, tokens, flags, cash collections were organized to get the needed funds. Finally, May 1, 1939, for the first time in the life of the school, all the school children were gathered under their own roof.

The outbreak of World War II caused the liquidation of the school. On September 7, the Germans occupied the building on the army barracks. Teachers saved some of the books and help. The ones that they took to their homes became the basis of educational activity after the liberation. During the occupation the school was located in the halls of the association "Future". There was also the liberation school - March 10, 1945, because the school building was devastated. Again, efforts were made to renovate it - street collections, lotteries. With social money bought the first bench, desk and typewriter. September 8, 1945 began school year in its own renovated building, but the rooms were empty, the children were sitting on the floor.

After the creation of the county in 1955, the number of inhabitants increased and again the necessity of the school was expanded, but it was not until the early 1970s that funds were raised for this purpose. In 1972, on the initiative of Director September began expansion. However, many of the rooms were not in trouble because the old part of the building required immediate repair. Renovation of the old part was done in 1976. The building was equipped with central heating, water, new lighting, roof, floor and exterior plastering.

With every new school year arriving, children's school conditions were getting worse. The school rented rooms in the Craft Center, and in 1993 received a building from the city authorities in the South Osiedle, where children from grades I-III were taught.

Since 1981, the headmaster of the school has made efforts to further expand and build a gym. In 1989, earthworks for the future school began. On November 12, 1990 SP Social Development Committee No. 1 was established in Przysucha, which, under the leadership of Mr. Z. Gorycki, collected funds from workplaces and parents.

On October 28, 1996, the ceremony of transferring new learning rooms took place. The new complex of facilities includes: 8 classrooms, changing rooms for each class, common room, modern boiler room, canteen. On May 30, 1997, a full-size gymnasium was opened. In the next school year the area around the school was developed.

In the years 2004-2006, the entire school building was refurbished Managers



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