Synagogue in Książ Wielki

Synagogue in Książ Wielki - synagogue located in Książ Wielki.

The synagogue was built in 1846. During World War I, in 1915 the building was damaged, but afterwards it was renovated. In 1935 the synagogue burned down, after which it was thoroughly renovated. During World War II, the Nazis utterly destroyed the interior of the synagogue. After the end of the war in the synagogue there was a warehouse of the Commune Cooperative "Samopomoc Chłopska". It is currently in ruins.

The brick synagogue building was erected on a rectangular plan. Inside the eastern part is the main prayer room, which enters through the vestibule, above which there is a woman's room. The main hall illuminates 10 arched windows - 4 on the south and north walls and 2 on the east wall. Between the latter two, the alcove of Aron ha-kodesh was preserved. The whole is covered with a gable roof. In the second half of 2016, the roof of the synagogue collapsed, revealing the interior of the building.

When walking down Stroma Street, you will reach the Jewish Cemetery, located at Szewska Street.



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