
CMC1 / 2 (Digital Methanometric Control Panel) - one of the modules of the dispatching system MSD-80, developed at the turn of the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, at the BS-3 Control Systems Department, Research Center for Mechanization and Electrotechnical Systems and SMEAG Mining Automation in Katowice. The hardware of the system was a PRS-4 minicomputer equipped with dedicated software and industrial channel, enabling methane concentration and methane flow in 4 minutes, and in the case of exceeding critical values ​​of the measured parameters, also switching off the electricity in the underground mines. Experimental equipment named CMC1 was tested in the WESOŁA mine (then LENIN), 1978-1979, while the CMC1 / 2 prototype (dual-computer version) was used in the same mine in 1981. Positive results of the experimental operation resulted in installation of the system in the next 6 mines, with the highest methane hazard. In the mid-1980s, 5 CMC1 / 2 systems were sold to China. Destiny CMC1 / 2 was designed to measure low (up to 5%) and high (up to 100%) methane concentrations and air velocities, conduct detection of critical values ​​being exceeded, and shut off electric power in underground mine workings . The results of the system in the form of reports and graphs were made available on the screen monochrome, alphanumeric monitor and in the form of prints. History of the uprising

In the mid-1970s, a methanometric system of the CTT63 / 40U type from Oldham was purchased and then a license for its production in Poland. This system has revolutionized the measurement of methane concentration and the way of protecting mines from the methane explosion. Until the purchase of the CTT63 / 40U system, methane meter Barbara ROW, designed by the BARBARA Mining Safety Institute in Mikołów, was used to measure methane concentration and methanometric mine security. Metanometers were designed for autonomous operation and switched off the electricity when the set threshold was exceeded. The energy needed for their work was provided by a built-in turbine powered by compressed air. Information about the exclusion and return of methane concentration to the standard and its current value were transferred to dispatch rooms and signaled on the static synoptic table. The CTT63 / 40U has introduced a new electrical power supply standard for surface sensors, multi-channel X-t recorders and the ability to assign sensors to power off devices. The system, introduced for the first time in the mines of the Rybnik Coal Mine in the mid-1970s, constituted until the early 1990s basic methanometric protection of mines, and in some it is still used today. The obvious advantages of the solution used (measurement method, sensor design, signal transmission, central intrinsically safe power supply to field installations) have inspired constructors to replace the surface system with two original national solutions. The idea of ​​the first was to replace the electromechanical sensor selection system with an integrated circuits system. The CMM20 Modular Metrological Unit (CMM20m) was designed in line with this concept to support 20 CTT63 / 40U sensors. The second, more interesting solution was to replace the surface of the system (electromechanical sensor selection, paper tape recorder) with a minicomputer equipped with dedicated industrial channel and special software. The design of the CMC1 methanometric digital control unit was the first attempt in Poland to use the SMC-3 minicomputer to carry out such a responsible task as the central methanometric security of the mine. Since the CMC1 was different from other monitoring systems with built-in control functions (switching off and switching off the power at the bottom of the mine), the surface area of ​​the system was doubled to ensure the necessary reliability. The CMC1 / 2 dual-computer system based on PRS-4 minicomputers was developed. Bibliography



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