Lunar node

Moon lunar nodes are the orbits of the Moon, or points in which the orbit crosses the plane of the ecliptic. When the Moon is near the node of an orbit and at the same time in a phase close to a new or full, it is located almost exactly one line with the Sun and Earth, resulting in the eclipse of the Sun or eclipse of the Moon. The line connecting the two nodes is called the node line. Motion

As a result of the perturbations, the moon serpent's lines are slowly moving in space with a period of about 18.6 years, in the reverse direction of the ecliptic. The time between two successive lunar transitions is the same as the lunar month. Astrology

As the nodes are regulated and fixed to the skies, their impact is taken into account in astrology. In India knots are called Rahu - demon head (northern knot) and Ketu - demon body (southern knot). Another name for lunar nodes, formerly used in European astrology, is Caput Draconis, the head of the dragon and Cauda Draconis, the tail of the dragon.



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