Patrul Rinpoche
Patrul Rinpoche (དཔལ་ སྤྲུལ་ ཨོ་ རྒྱན་ མེད་ ཆོས་ ཀྱི་ དབང་ པོ, Wylie: rust of dPal-sprul O-rgyan 'Jigs-med dbang-1808-1887) - the most famous Buddhist teacher of the 19th century Ningmap line, valued and recognized by all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He spent all his life as a modest, often unrecognized traveling monk, far from the splendor of the monasteries. This has been reflected in his numerous writings, which have been widespread thanks to the simplicity and affordability of the style. His most famous work is the Tibetan title Kun Bzan bla ma'i lun lun, published in English as The Words of My Perfect Teacher (Shambhala edition, 1998), but in Polish as Master Samantabhadra's words (Mandala, 1996).
In the Polish language, other books by Patrik Rinpoche have also been published: Demon Minds or How to Obstruct Them (Amdo, 2002), The Treasure of the Buddhas (Rogaty Buddha, 2013). Authoritative control (person):
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