Quantock Hills

Dunster Castle - the highlight of the hills Quantock Hills is a 17,000-square-mile (12,000-mile) highland hill in Somerset County, between Bridgwater and Minehead. The highest peak is Will's Neck (384 m n.p.m.). The Quantock Hills area was included in the Area of ​​Outstanding Natural Beauty (established in 2000). The hills are home to the Coleridge Way.


The woods of the massif are medium. In the hills are the heaths. There is an endemic variety of the berry of Vaccinium myrrtillus. Fauna The hills are abundantly inhabited by badgers (Meles meles), toads (Bufo bufo), frogs (Rana temporaria) and lizards. There is also the only venomous snake species in the British Isles - Vipera berus. Monuments on the hills



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