Samnic Wars
Samnic Wars - three wars between the Roman Republic and the Samnite tribe organized in the Samnical Union. The war ended with the victory of Rome and the surrender of the Samnits. Most of our knowledge of these struggles comes from Liwius, and therefore their skepticism should be considered quite skeptical.
The Samnik war lasted between 343-341 BC. and ended up taking over the Roman control over northern Kampania. The outbreak of the war was provoked by the Romans, who made an alliance with the threatened Samnites Kapu.
The second Samnik war was in two stages. In the years 327-321 p.n.e. The Romans tried to encircle the Samnites, but they were forced into a humiliating surrender in the Caspian gorge. The fighting was resumed in 316 p.n.e. and lasted until 304 p.n.e. After another defeat, the Romans began setting up the colony and building the famous Via Appia to improve access to Kapu. In the end, despite the covenant with the Etrusians, the Samnicans succumbed to Rome.
The third Samnik war broke out in 298 BC. and lasted eight years. The combined forces of the Samnites, Etruscans, and allied Gauls were defeated in the decisive battle of the Sentinum. Covered in 290 p.n. The room was subordinate to the Samnites of Rome. Bibliography
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