Ruiny Castle selones OK. 1880. Sēlpils or Sēļpils (Latin: castrum Selonum, "Zelon's castle", lit .: Sėlpilis, germany: Selburg, pol Zelburg) - formerly the military and political center of the historic Selonia, situated on the Baltic Sea - Lithuania and southern Latvia east of Semigalia on the left bank of the Daugava River.
Archaeological evidence indicates that Sēlpils was 17 km northwest of contemporary Jēkabpils and was a significant settlement center in the X-13th century. It was used as a base for Selon and their Lithuanian allies to invade Latgali and Liwów lands. Sēlpils was first mentioned in the Chronicle of Henryk Lothek, which describes the occupation of the castle by sword cavalry and their Christianized livery allies in 1208. Sēlpils was briefly at the seat of the Bishopric of Selon (1218-1226), and was then placed under the authority of the Order of the Swordsman, who raised here the fortified seat of the mayor of the Order. The fortifications were destroyed by the Swedes in 1704, during the Northern War. Only traces of foundations have survived to modern times. View Literature
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