Jefim Kłubnikin
Jefim Gierasymicz Kłubnikin (born 17 December 1842 in Nikitin, 5 August 1915 in Los Angeles) is a Russian religious reformer, considered by the Prophets to be the prophet. Armenian slaughter.
He was born into a family of Russian moogans: Gierasyma and Anna, who moved from central Russia to the eryvian province (present Armenia) 2 years before his birth. He had five brothers and five sisters. In 1852, when he was 11 years old, he experienced "seven days and nights" of revelations, during which he had not slept, eaten, or drunk. Although he never learned to write, he began to write his visions in a "miraculous way", as well as fix them in maps and drawings. According to the prophecy of the boy Armenian Christians were to be murdered by the Turks. The only hope for Christians was to escape the ocean to America, whose maps and views were conveyed to the boy during the apparitions. God had promised all the fugitives blessing and prosperity in America.
Yefim did not tell anyone about the revelations, and the situation did not confirm them at the time. In 1878 Jefim and his family settled in Romanovka (now "Zaimy" in the Turkish province of Kars). There, at the age of 56, Jefim was to receive another revelation from God (voices and supernatural light), during which he heard that it was time to leave Russia and leave for America. He began to transmit the prophecies to fellow believers, who were even more inclined to depart, as the tsar's 50 years of military service had expired. Approximately 2,000 Russian and Armenian moons (mainly from the "New Israelites") to the United States and Canada lasted from 1900 to 1912. They took record of Kłubnikin's prophecies, which are still kept in the Los Angeles church at Azusa Street. The prophecy was fulfilled in 1914 when the Turks slaughtered millions of Armenians. Kłubnikin lived in Los Angeles, where he led a local community of mummies until his death.
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