
Kypselos (d. 627 p.n.) - tyrant Corinth since 657 p.n.e. to his death. He overcame the Bakchiad oligarchy. Curriculum vitae

According to the Greek historian Herodotus, Kypselos was the son of Eationa and Labda, a descendant of the corinthian Bakichiad. Members of this family were married only among themselves. The exception to the exception was a marriage with a man not related to his family. Labda gave birth to a son whose oracle in Delphi predicted that he would overthrow the Bakchiads. When they learned about the prophecy they decided to kill the boy. Labda hid a baby in a cereal box (cypsele), to which the boy owe his name. When Kypselos grew up, he visited the Delphine oracle and learned of the prophecy that would bring him power in Corinth. He returned to his homeland and overthrew the Bakchiads himself sitting on their throne. He managed to make the city more than thirty years old, enjoying the inhabitants' sympathies. He moved around the city without guard. I'm the son of Periander. " Bibliography



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