Roosa effect (locking-in-effect effect) - Negative impact on the supply of credit, which is caused by restrictive monetary policy. The rise in the market interest rate triggered by tightening of monetary conditions causes a fall in the prices of securities held by banks. Less attractive is the sale of these securities in order to obtain funds for lending activities, which in turn will be more profitable due to higher interest rates. In this situation, the sale of securities would lead to capital losses, so their supply is limited. Bibliography
Association of Jewish handicrafts "Jad Charuzim"
The Jewish Handgun Association "Jad Charuzim" - a Jewish craft organization, operating in Galicia since 1875. She was the founder of many synagogues (eg Yad Charuzim Synagogue in Sanok, Jad Charuzim Synagogue in Yaroslav, Zasany Synagogue in Przemysl), burs, self-help and charity activities, libraries, readings and readings. In 1927, in order to enable its members to use small loans, the association established its own credit cooperative "Cooperative Bank of Cooperatives". The Association's activities ceased during World War II. wiki
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