Science policy

Scientific policy is defined as the activity of the state and other public institutions aimed at influencing science, which will optimally contribute to economic growth and social development with the best use of research resources. Often broadly understood science policy is also an innovation policy, which is to introduce the results of scientific research, inventions and improvements to economic practice. It is one of the youngest branches of economic policy, it was formed only in the fifties of the last century. The breakthrough date is 1935, when J.D.Bernal's work was published. "The Social Function of Science", which comprehensively addresses the problems of science in the modern world. In 1967. In Frascati (Italy), a conference of OECD-focused representatives was held, with a number of recommendations and definitions for scientific policy that underpin the current development of this field. Thanks to the findings of 1967. In many countries, also in developing countries, decision-making bodies and government officials responsible for science policy have been set up.

Activities undertaken within the framework of scientific policy:

The procedure for the formulation of scientific policy assumptions by public institutions requires specific exploratory actions concerning:

The following should be taken into account when formulating scientific policy objectives:

Classification of science policy objectives:

There are several ways to classify your goals.

I. Generic classification used in OECD countries:

II. Classification based on the time period in question.

1. Strategic goals (long-term):

2. tactical targets (include current activities):

Types of science policy:

1.Participation - involves financial support for research through specialized institutions and funds

2. Regulation - the task of the state authority is to define the framework for interventions for the implementation of scientific policy (eg, determining the amount of budgetary resources for science or defining the functioning of higher education institutions). - indirect impact on research and development organizations and local government organizations to ensure that they participate in the implementation of state research policy, leaving the institutions concerned with research topics and tasks

Scientific Policy Instruments:

1. Instruments of a general nature - affecting the whole research process, including the implementation of the achievements of science to economic practice, eg

-Government Docs and Subscriptions

-Consumed Agreements

- Software licenses

2. Specialized instruments - affecting only certain elements of the research process, eg

- Financial Liabilities

-Prepare for innovation

Scientific policy instruments used in Poland:

1. Related to tax policy:

-Building expenses to taxpayers for research or R & D

-Payment of expenses incurred by a taxpayer for the purchase of research results (if the acquisition of property rights is made)

-Enterprise Investment Expenditure Expenses incurred by a taxpayer

-Total or partial deduction from pre-tax income, up to 50% of this income, investment expenditure related to the implementation of patents, licenses, know-how and results of national research

-From the taxable income of expenses incurred on innovative investments for more than one fiscal year

2. Financial and organizational instruments:

- Accelerated depreciation

-Losses and credit p (related to state guarantees)

- Introducing new legal and institutional solutions on the capital market.

-Investor protection when implementing new technologies.

- Coordination of licensing policy with scientific policy

-Invention of inventions


Economic Policy, edited by B. Winiarski, Warsaw 1999

Moszkowicz K., Innovation Policy in Highly Developed Countries, Wroclaw 1995

Science, technology, economy: interrelationship and global development trends, edited by A. Kuklinski, Warsaw 1995.



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