
Aperception - a philosophical term that implies self-perception, self-awareness, perception by the mind of its own states.

Leibniz introduced this concept to distinguish perception - presenting itself - from aperception, which means realizing this presentation. Kant further distinguished the empirical empiricism, or introspection, from the transcendental unity of apperception, the condition that enables one to experience it himself.

Empirical aperancy consists in bonding together and combining various elemental experiences (different in time and space and coming from different senses) into one consciousness. The consciousness of objects in space, as well as their shape and movement, has at Kant the assumption of empirical unity of perception. On the other hand, transcendental aesthetics consists, in a similar sense, of the bonding of self-consciousness (both "spatially", ie with regard to the various simultaneous existences in the mind, and temporally). The consciousness of the passage of time is at Kant in the assumption of the transcendental unity of apperception.

Continuing this trend, psychology has been introduced as a perception combined with the perception of what has already been known. The term "aperia" in this sense was used by Herbart. He used the notion of "apperception mass": a source of prior knowledge and experience, each with a new perception. If they are compatible with it, they are assimilated and included in it.

Wundt distinguished between passive and active apperception. The first one is called by external conditions and its structure is dependent on these conditions. The second is due to the functioning of the human cognitive system, and therefore depends on internal processes. Bibliography



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