Krystyna Grotkowska (born August 1, 1935 in Budel, Garwolin county - died November 5, 2015 in Przasnysz), agrotechnician, social activist.

Graduated from the municipal school in Łaskarzewo (previously graduated six classes in Izdebno) and the Agricultural Technical College in Sobieszyno, where in 1953 was awarded the title of agrotechnical. In that year she started work at the State Machine Center in Przasnysz. In the years 1957-1962 she worked in the District Association of Agricultural Castles, then was the manager of purchasing and agricultural guidance in the District Dairy Cooperative in Przasnysz. In 1964 he became the manager of the Warsaw Seed Company "Centrala Nasienna" Branch of Ciechanów, Przasnysz Exposition; organized a separate branch in Przasnysz. In 1990 she retired.

For several terms he was a city councilor in Przasnysz, in the years 1963-1970 - a councilor of the Provincial National Council in Warsaw. From 1973 to 2006 she was the chairman of the District Committee No. 4, then the Board of the Estate No. 5 and the Board of the Estate in Przasnysz. Since 2003 she has been chairing the District Board of the Polish Association of Pensioners, Rencists and Invalids in Przasnysz, seeking improvement of the social and living conditions of pensioners and their participation in social life. She cooperates closely with the creative circles of Przasnysz County. Distinctions and distinctions

In 2009, she received the "Unleash" award.



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