Lucjan Górnisiewicz

Lucjan Józef Górnisiewicz (born 20 June 1884 in Biecz, died 2 March 1967 in Warsaw) - major auditor of the Polish Army, doctor of legal sciences, tourism promoter, vice chairman of the touring committee of the main board of the PTTK. Curriculum vitae

He completed his law studies at the Jagiellonian University in 1910, receiving his doctorate in law. He was an officer of the imperial reserve and of the royal army. He was appointed second lieutenant on November 1, 1915 in the corps of infantry reserve officers. In 1916 its parent unit was the c. And 90th Infantry Regiment.

Served in the Polish Army as a major (verified with seniority on June 1, 1919, in 1924 he occupied 110, and ten years later - 26th on the list of senior officers of the reserve officers corps of judicial officers). As a prisoner of war, he was deported by the Russians to Ufa, Bashkortostan.

In the interwar period, he actively participated in defense of the interests of the renaissance. Participating in the court proceedings with which Fryderyk Habsburg filed against Poland, demanding the return of the Cieszyn Chamber of Great Values.

Already before World War II he was a member of the Polish Tatra Society and the Polish Country Travel Association. After the war, on April 3, 1946, he took part in the first meeting organized by the activists of PTK from Katowice and was elected as a member of the new Board of the Polish Land Tourism Association. Later he held high positions in the local authorities of the Polish Tourist and Tourism Association, established on 17 December 1950.

After his death in 1967 he was buried in the cemetery at Henryk Sienkiewicz Street in Katowice. Orders and decorations Bibliography



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