
Protorosaurus is the name of the oldest representative of the Archosauromorph group, living in the late Permian. Its remains were discovered in Germany as early as 1706. The generic name of the animal is derived from von Meyer, who described the protorosaur in 1830, thinking that the reptile was a dinosaur.

It was an animal of two meters in length, with hind legs longer than the front. Protorozaur has been running a land-water or fully aquatic lifestyle, which would make it the oldest known science in a fully marine reptile. He was mostly an insect.

The construction of his cervical vertebrae suggests that he may have been related to a later reptile of the genus Tanystrophaeus.

The word Protorosaurus was also the original name given by Lawrence Lambe in 1914 to a chasmozaur before he learned that it was already reserved for the archozauromorph described above. Bibliography



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