Sobieslav II Gdansk

Sobieslav II (d. 1217-1223), Prince of the Sobieslavic dynasty. Son of Sambor I (d. 1207)

After his father's death, he did not take over the Gdansk governor, Władysław Laskonogi. His father, Mściwoja I., was appointed to this position. After his father he received his estate, which he gave most to the monastery of Olive. These were the second part of Rumia and Starzyna, the villages of Żarnowiec, Przybrody, Wadzino (today Mezowo), Dzierżążno, Ostrzyce, Pławno (today Chmielonko), Skowarcz.

He died according to the obituary of Olivier on December 28, 1217; Taking into account the limited trust in the monastery obituaries, the date is between 1217 and 1223.




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