Triangulation (geodesy)

Diagram of 1533 showing the idea of ​​triangulation for mapping. A nineteenth-century triangular network in Rhineland

Triangulation - a method of measuring geodetic wand, which consists in precise measurement of angles between all adjacent points and the length of at least one side in a network consisting of triangles.

The measurement is used to calculate the geodetic coordinates of all triangular network points after calculating and aligning the measurement results. Depending on the network class, the length of the triangular sides is between 2 and 25 kilometers.

Triangulation was used to determine the shape and dimensions of the Earth. With the use of precise and laborious measurement methods at various times of the day and calculations taking into consideration all kinds of corrections (earth curvature and refraction, vertical deviation, centering of triangular towers and others) without the use of computers, results are very different from today's GPS measurements. / p>



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