Ludmila Spiesivcev
Ludmila Jakowlewna Spiesivcev (born April 19, 1948) is a Russian serial killer and cannibal. Mother of Alexander Spiesivetev, cannibals murderer. She participated in at least several killings in which she helped her son. Activity
Ludmiła is known to have helped her son with at least three killings, but is suspected of participating in more crimes. Her role was simple: she lured young women into her apartment, then she and her son killed, quarreled, and then prepared meals. Discovery of crimes
The crimes she and her son made came out by accident. In October 1996, neighbors called a plumber to leak from the pipe in her apartment, and since no one reacted to the knock - the militia scaled the door. In the middle of it was a bowl with a dismembered human body, and on the couch a woman who died several hours later. Judgment Ludmile Spiesivceva was charged with complicity in three murders. She did not admit to being guilty, claiming that she had nothing to do with them and that she did not know about them (which was not true, as she was in the apartment at the time of her discovery). She was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.
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