Michał da Paz
Infant Michał da Paz, port. Miguel da Paz de Trastámara e Avis, spanish. Miguel de Paz de Trastámara y Aviz (1498-1500) - Prince of Portugal and Prince of Asturias.
He was the only son of Manuel and the Aviz dynasty, and his first wife, Isabel of Asturias (1470-1498). He was born in Saragossa, Spain on August 24, 1498. His mother died in puerperium. Michael became the successor of the throne of Portugal (his father) and the throne of Castile and León. As the successor of two different kingdoms he was also called Prince of Portugal and Prince of Asturias. These titles were worn for the entire two years of his life.
Michał died on July 19, 1500, in Granada. He was buried in the convent of the Holy Isabella in Toledo. After his death his father married a younger sister of Isabella from Asturias - Maria Aragon. The second wife gave Manuel and eight children, including the later king of Portugal - John III the Pious.
Michal's father was married to Spanish princesses because he dreamed of unifying the two Iberian kingdoms under one scepter. These dreams disappeared after Michael's death. When Michael died, the new duchess of Asturias and his successor, his aunt, Joanna Shalona (Juana la loca), became his successor. Since October 20, 1496 Joanna was the wife of Philip and the beautiful Habsburg family, thanks to that Habsburg marriage gained hereditary rights to the crown of Spain. The union of the two Iberian kingdoms, however, was established in 1580 and lasted until 1640 - then King Philip II of Habsburg, son of half-sister of Michael, grandson of Joan of Guadalupe and Manuel I, surrendered Spain to Portugal (see Philippine Dynasty).
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