Droopy i Dripple
Droopy and Dripple (Droopy and Dripple) - an animated series that is part of the Puppies of Tom and Jerry. Originally broadcast on TVP1, Cartoon Network, and is currently broadcasting by Boomerang. The series is a Polish dubbed in Master Film studio.
Droopy and Dripple are basset breeds. Their particularity is the slowness in various aspects: speech or reflexes. In every episode, they fight the bad McWilk. The spin-off series is Droopy, a superdetect. Boomerang Channel broadcasts episodes of this series in a separate band, separate from Puppies of Tom and Jerry.
The Polish version of the votes is given by: Droopy - Andrzej Arciszewski, Dripple - Piotr Zelt (in the Droopy and Dripple series) and Marek Robaczewski (in the Droopy series, superdetect).
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