Mustafa Aga - Turkish diplomat living in the first half of the 18th century.

In the years 1703-1704 he was a Turkish ambassador to the court of the Tsar of Russia. In the years 1727-1728 he was the ambassador of Turkey in Stockholm. On this occasion, the Swedish goldsmith, Johann Karl Hedlinger, (1728) awarded a special medal: R / MVSTAFAAGA TVRCICVS AD AVLAM SVETHICAM ANNIS 1727 ET 1728 LEGATVS SECVNDVM CERAM MANV HEDLINGERI FICTAM EX AERE FVSVS CVRA N (ICOLAI) KEDERI HOLMIENSIS. The medal is today part of the Venetian collection Collezione Serenissima. Bibliography



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