Nikolai Goloslavov

Nikolai Ivanovich Golosevich, Russian Николай Иванович Голощапов (born October 1, 1878) is a Russian military general (major general), emigre publicist and political activist and veteran, 6th officer of the 1st Cossack cavalry regiment of the Russian Corps of Defense during the Second World War.

He volunteered for a Caucasian Cossack cavalry regiment. He then completed the military school of junks in Stavropol and returned to his mother's regiment. By 1914 he served in the 1st and 2nd Black Cavalry regiments of the Cuban Cossacks, and then 1st and 3rd Cuban Cavalry regiments of Cuban cavalry. In 1911 he was promoted to the rank of anal. He participated in the First World War. He commanded 3 soties in the Cuban cavalry cavalry regiment in Chopin. He was then deputy commander of the regiment. In early 1917, he was awarded the Order of St. Jerzy 4 class. On June 28 of that year, as a colonel, he became the commander of the Cuban cavalry cavalry regiment. He fought in Persia. At the beginning of 1918, his regiment got to Cuba, where he fought against the Bolsheviks. Since April of this year, N. I. Gołoschapov has been at the head of the officer organization "Спасение Кубани" operating in Maykop. At the same time, he was active in the Cuban Cossack military committee. In 1919 he was the commander of the garrison Yekaterinodara. In the beginning of August 1920 he stood before a court martial, but he was freed from charges. He went to serve in the staff of the Ober-quartermaster in the headquarters of the commanding officer of the White Army. After their evacuation from the Crimea to Gallipoli in November 1920, he settled in the SHS Kingdom. He was active in Russian emigre monarchist associations. He wrote the letter "Разведчик". During the Second World War he cooperated with Germans. Served as an officer of 6 sotnias of the 1st Cossack Cavalry Regiment in the Russian Corps of Defense. After the war ended, he emigrated to Brazil, where he died on January 4, 1963.

Brief biography of General Nikolai I. Gołuchlowska (Russia)



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