The principle of complementarity (genetics)

Symbolic evaporation in DNA Symbolic pairing in RNA

The complementarity principle, the complementum principle (Latin complementum means complement, complement), is a stereochemistry commonly used in relation to DNA structures resulting from the complementarity of base pairs occurring in adjacent strands of DNA or DNA and RNA.

According to this principle, cytosine (C) connects only with guanine (G), adenine (A) in RNA acid joins with uracil (U) and in thymine DNA (T). Based on this principle, it is possible to reproduce the missing DNA strand, for example during replication.

The complementarity principle for transcription of RNA on a DNA template is as follows: For example, the ATG CTA AGC ATA DNA template will produce the UAC GAU UGUU RNA sequence. Typically, the gene sequences are given in the form of 5 'to 3', representing a DNA strand (not a matrix) or an RNA strand - in the example given UAC UCU UAU (RNA) or TAC GAT TCG TAT (DNA) sequence. DNA complementary to the ATG GCT AGC thread will be the TAC CGA TCG, and RNA complementary to the AUG CCG thread will be the UAC GGC.



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