Central Palm Festival "Palmiry"

Central Palm Festival "Palmiry" - an event organized annually since 1959 by the Polish Tourist-Touring Association, combining actions to commemorate the glory of Polish arms and the country. The rally is held in October, one week before the Feast of the Dead and is intended primarily for children and youth from all over Poland.

The rally takes place on different routes in terms of time and difficulty. It has a star-like nature, mostly overlapping with tourist routes, leading from different parts of the Masovian region and ending in the Palmiry Cemetery in the Kampinos Forest. History of the Rally

The beginning of the Palmiry's Central Youth Meeting was a walking tour organized in 1959 by activists of the Warsaw branch of the Polish Tourist and Country Association. On the eve of the holiday of the dead, a group of tourists and scouts from the circle of PTTK "Mazovia" and the Mazowieckie District, decided to pay tribute to the victims of the genocide killed in Palmira. The trip took place on the initiative of Fr.. Tadeusz Uszyński - Żoliborski catechists and PTTK activists from the capital Żoliborz: Piotr Berłowski and Krystyna Serwaczak. During this short, less than 10-kilometer-long tour of Izabela by the Pass and Krzyż Jerzyków to the Palmira Cemetery, the idea of ​​organizing a similar tourist event in the years to come. From a modest trip, called "Pete Dorjek", the event changed over time into a regional, district, national and central one. The character of the Rally from the first years was influenced primarily by the Polish military activists PTTK. mentioned above - Piotr Berłowski and Edward Pluczynski. Lechosław Herz - author of descriptions of routes and rally maps. In the organization of the then Rally also helped: the officers of the Zegrze Military Academy, conducting military ceremonies during the appeal on the day of the completion of the rally, the veterans' association - Freedom and Democracy Union, Warsaw and Warsaw underworld circles and clubs, socialist youth organizations - Youth Union Socialist, People's Sports Teams, Polish Scouting Association and the then governmental authorities responsible for tourism.

In the mid-1960s, Palmiry's Central Youth Rally took on a nationwide character, and the Mazowieckie District held its custody until 1975, until it was resolved. At that time, the PTTK Mazovia Branch was organized by Palmir. In 1978, the Organizing Committee moved permanently to the "Żoliborski" branch of PTTK.



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