Functions of political power

Functions of political power - specific tasks that the authority fulfills.

Integration function

It is about the implementation and coordination of conflicting actions of policy subjects around the overarching values ​​and interests conditioning the sustainability of the political system, including those of the political power and the social system. This function is one of the most important functions of the political power. This is due to the need to ensure the stability and normal functioning of the political system. Social groups represent different interests, sometimes in contradiction. Against this background, there are social conflicts. The prevailing relationships of superiority and subordination manifest themselves in the process of making and implementing political decisions. Conflict resolution and integration are the two sides of the dialectic of the action of political power. In social systems, conflicts are a natural state resulting from social inequalities. Integration is a sensible process necessary to maintain the integration of various social groups. Many political values, such as human solidarity, bring communities together and facilitate integration. Distribution function

It is expressed in the imposition of criteria and regulation of the distribution of material and non-material goods between entities. The state budget is of great importance in the distribution of goods and values. The central authority in its creation is state power. Political power is becoming the central regulator and coordinator of the expressed provisions, and a factor that undermines the conflicting needs and social interests of many policy subjects. The right to regulate the distribution of various material goods. The law serves to determine the rules governing the distribution of goods and procedures for implementing decisions. Integration processes between states impose the need to adapt national regulations to international community rules. Cross-country regulations impose the need for national regulations to be aligned with international community rules. Community regulations facilitate relations between the communities of nations and contribute to the convergence of nations. Protective function

It is manifested in securing the external security of the social system in the international environment and internal security, ie the durability of systemic rules and mechanisms guaranteeing, inter alia, the stability of the position of the subject of political power. The fulfillment of the protective function is due to the need to ensure the safety of the human and individual human population, even at the expense of the domination of the bearers of political power. This function is mainly performed in the interests of the social groups, because the order of the groups is secured. Structural function

It involves creating sociopolitical divisions in society and organizational forms that allow other actors to participate in political life by directly or indirectly influencing decision-making in the political system. To exercise political power, governance is the domain of narrow social groups. The authority deals with the distribution of goods, and the broader or narrower access to them is the basis for the emergence of social groups. Bibliography



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