Guillem de Cardona

Guillem de Cardon, Guillem de Cardon (born 1156, 12 July 1225) - Cardinal Viscount, 1177 - 1225, one of the most beloved baronesses of medieval Catalonia.

The son of Ramon Folch III and Isabel Sibilli d'Urgell. He took power in hereditary lands after the death of his older brother Berenguer I, who died several months after Ramon Folchu III.

Guillem I at the side of Peter II was fighting at Murèth (1213) against the crusaders against Simeon of Montfort. Nunyo Sanxes and Guillem III de Montcada, together with Count Rosselló (Roussillon, France), continued to fight the Crusaders in the Languedoc, attempting to force Montfort to release the successor of the Catalan-Aragonese throne, Jacob and the Conqueror. During the minors, I was a member of the seven-member regency council appointed by Innocent III on January 23, 1216, at the side of the Attorney General, Count Sanac. He belonged to the royal creditors as a wealthy nobil deriving profits from the salt mine located in his lands. He was the protector and friend of Viscount Guerau IV de Cabrera, whom he reconciled with the Crown in 1217. The Cardon family traditionally mediated in disputes with the Pyrenean counties. From 1175 Guillem was married to Guerra de Jorba, with whom he had six children: Ramon Folcha, Sibilla, Guillem, Guillem (later the Templar master, 1270), Elisenda and Caterina. He later married again from Agnès d'Olo. He also had children with two lovers.

His successor as Viscount Cardona was Ramon Folch IV. Bibliography



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