Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of commerce - a public body acting in the form of an association representing the interests of the economic sphere. Representation of these interests consists in the appropriate influence and influence on the economic policies of the government and the state, the organization of measures providing their members with economic expansion on the domestic and the offensive market.

The chambers of commerce achieve their goals by developing and submitting to the authorities the drafts of the various legislative acts relating to economic activity, the dissemination of opinions on the intended acts of other organizations, the direct involvement of their representatives in various collegial bodies dealing with economic issues, etc.

In some cases, chambers of commerce initiate or supervise their operations. In addition, they collect information on commodity and geographic markets, investigate market fluctuations, record trading habits, etc. All these materials are made available to members of chambers of commerce. An important role of the chambers is the matching of business partners and the sharing of data on business rules abroad. They also organize exhibitions and fairs. In many countries, chambers of commerce issue various documents and certificates that are legally validated (eg for compliance with the original), register trademarks, provide business information, organize arbitrage, and perform many other foreign trade activities. >

Chambers of Commerce in Poland

Chambers of commerce in Poland operate in the form of economic chambers and in the first half of the 21st century there are at least several dozen. To a certain extent, the coordinator of their activity is the National Chamber of Commerce (KIG) established in 1989, which took over all the affairs, liabilities and assets established in 1949 of the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade. KIG is a member of the European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Bibliography



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