Mama, Kaśka, me and the gangsters

Mama, Kaśka, me and gangsters - Ewa Ostrowska's novel published in 1984.

The book is rolling out during the last weeks of the school year and during the holidays.

Danuta Sosnowska, 14, is the main character and narrator at the same time. Danka has twin sister Kaśka (to which she is not similar) and crazy mama, which according to twins is rather a culinary antitheater.

At the end of the school year, the family goes to Mazury by car, which was previously won in the lottery. During the trip, unexpectedly ladies catch rubber, which begins real summer adventures.

While visiting Lake Mokry, they visit very strange guests. They appear to be gangsters who smuggle valuable old coins. Finally, another strange guest arrives at Mokre - Captain Andrzej Piotrowski, who at first was the main heroine considered one of the ganers. But soon, with the help of the captain, he is caught. After a successful action Mr. Andrzej makes a visit to the twins and their mothers. A cryptographic thread appears in the book when the heroine sends a message with a hidden message. Heroes

Danuta Sosnowska (Dankowska, Jastrzębie Ucho) - main character. Complete teenager, low lightweight person. On vacation, she wanted to unmask the gang of smugglers of old coins with her sister, but later decided to do it herself. She is an intelligent and smart girl, she only learns three.

Katarzyna Sosnowska (Sneak Peak) - Danka's sister. It's five minutes younger than his twin sister. It is completely unlike Dankowska, because she is tall, slender and wise. Kashka is able to faint and drown in bitter tears, which Danka envied her in the beginning.

Barbara Sosnowska (Gazelle's Flies) - Danka and Kaśka's mama. The husband left her alone with the twins when she was under 20. Person a little crazy. She never punished her daughters. Some of them dissolved. She is confident, and at first she believed in dressmakers, but after explaining the whole thing through Dana and Kaśka, she became distrustful of the gangsters, though she did not show it at all. She fell in love with reciprocity in Andrzej Piotrowski. Animal lover.

Andrzej Piotrowski - helped to unmask gangsters. He fell in love with his twin mother with reciprocity. Dankowska did not like him at first, but she found out she was not a cheater and finally became friends with him.



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